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Delightful, Delicious Easter Truffles!

You will have a hard time having just ONE!!

This Easter weekend we are happy to share a favorite recipe of ours!

These are sure to be a hit this Easter and the taste is scrumptious!


1/3 cup quinoa (cook in 2/3 cup water)

16 whole pitted dates

1/2 cup raw almonds

1/3 cup natural crunchy peanut butter

1/3 cup dark chocolate drops


Unsweetened shredded coconut


1. Cook quinoa in water with a little cinnamon and let cool a bit

2. In food processor, pulse almonds and set aside in medium bowl

3. In food processor, pulse chocolate drops and add to bowl with almonds

4. In food processor, pulse dates and add to medium bowl with almond and chocolate

5. Add the cooked quinoa and peanut butter in bowl with rest of the ingredients

6. Mix all ingredients with your clean hands until all is combined

7. Shape dough into truffle forms

8. Optional: Roll truffles in unsweetened shredded coconut and place on a dish

9. Refrigerate for a few minutes

TIP: left over truffles should be stored in closed container in fridge so it does not dry out.

Yields about 22 truffles

Bon Appetit!



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